Choosing Your Instructional Coaching Model

Choosing Your Instructional Coaching Model

Instructional coaching is an art; just like every type of art, there are several different models you can use to be effective. While there are several different models of arts, it is important you find the right type for the occasion. This holds true for instructional coaching. It’s important that you find a model that works best in your school and in your position.

How to maintain your sanity while still being a great Instructional Coach

How to maintain your sanity while still being a great Instructional Coach

Being an Instructional Coach can be taxing to say the least. We are teachers of teachers. We are data bases. We are advocates for students. We wear so many hats that sometimes the ones that are most important get put on the backburner. It’s important we remember to pull out the “I’m still a person” hat, “mom/dad” hat, or any other hat we previously enjoyed wearing before school started up again. Not getting to wear all the hats you want to can be frustrating, but wearing too many hats can be downright stressful.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Instructional Coaching

The Do’s and Don’ts of Instructional Coaching

Education, as it’s been known for years on end, is ever changing.  Most recently, the change has shifted to include instructional coaches as onsite job-embedded professional development for classroom teachers.  We are seeing more and more schools adapting to this quickly spreading idea of bringing in an outside brain for one common goal, the one thing that continues to stay the same in education….student achievement.  As with any new idea, there are important strategies to use and to NOT use.

Who are you COACHING for?

Who are you COACHING for?

Now that we are wrapping up the end of the year, I like to think about how I can improve my coaching for the next school year.  One of the questions I start with…

Who am I coaching for? Am I coaching for Me? Teachers? Students? Community?

This question is more than just a quick reflection for current coaches.  If you just snagged your first coaching gig “Congrats!” and this is the question you definitely need to get answered…